I Am the Light of the World

JOHN 8:12-59
Page 131

  • When Jesus declared “I am the Light of the World” and “before Abraham was even born, I AM,” He was boldly claiming to be nothing less than God. For those who couldn’t receive that message, it sounded like the worst form of blasphemy. For those who have faith, however, it comes across as comforting and life-giving. When you hear those words, what else comes to mind?

  • God’s Word makes clear that saving faith in Jesus only comes through the work of the Holy Spirit through God’s Word (see Romans 10:9-17). How does that help you appreciate the importance of reading God’s Word on a regular basis?

  • Who comes to mind that you know who are close to you but far from Jesus? Name them and pray for them right now.

Pastor Micah Greiner

St. Peter
Arlington Heights, Illinois


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