The Woman Caught in Adultery

JOHN 7:53–8:11
Page 130

  • It may seem harsh that God’s punishment for this kind of sexual sin was death (Look it up in Leviticus 20:10-16 or Deut 22:22). It’s important to note, though, that the primary reason for this was to motivate God’s people to flee from sin and pursue a life of holiness and obedience. God’s deep desire is for us, as His children, to avoid anything that would hurt or harm us, as well as to have His people stand out from the rest of the world around us, so that the world might be drawn back to Him! How does that perspective help you appreciate God’s Law?

  • You may be thinking of some of your own sinful thoughts and actions and how, if people around you knew about them, it would lead to shame. Now think about the fact that Jesus has come into the world not to condemn you but to set you free. Why does that make such a difference for you? How does it prompt you to respond?

Pastor Micah Greiner

St. Peter
Arlington Heights, Illinois


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