The Healing of a Man Born Blind

JOHN 9:1-41
Page 134

  • Jesus’ disciples assumed that the man born blind experienced that affliction because of some sin he or his parents had committed. That was the prevailing thought in their day, but Jesus had a different view. He explained that the man’s brokenness was an opportunity for God’s glory to be revealed. How does this teaching help you appreciate even the hard things in your life?

  • After he was healed, the man born blind was transformed in other ways as well. With boldness and joy he couldn’t stop talking about Jesus (even before he know His name!), even though it led others to question his integrity and faith. Looking back on your own life, can you see how you have changed because of your faith in Jesus? How would you describe it to someone else?

  • Do you know someone who came to faith later in life or decided to take their faith more seriously and started following Jesus more faithfully? What made the difference? What can you learn from their story?

Pastor Micah Greiner

St. Peter
Arlington Heights, Illinois


The Father and I Are One


I Am the Light of the World