Jesus’ Mother and Brothers

MATTHEW 12:46-50; MARK 3:31-35; LUKE 8:19-21
Page 85

  • Don’t worry! Jesus actually did love His mother, Mary, and, especially as her firstborn son, He made sure she was taken care of before He died (see John 19:25-27; God With Us, page 245).

  • Notice how important it is to Jesus that His disciples hear God’s Word and put it into practice. That also means the Devil, the World, and your own Sinful Nature will try to stop you from doing those things. How have you experienced that in your own life?

  • You are part of Jesus’ family! That means you are never alone. Think of someone else who follows Jesus and has blessed you, and then reach out to them and thank them!

Pastor Micah Greiner

St. Peter
Arlington Heights, Illinois


Teaching in Parables


Opposition from the Religious Leaders