Discussion about Defilement

MATTHEW 15:1-20; MARK 7:1-23
Page 120

  • Do you remember who taught you the right way to eat and proper manners at the dinner table? Why is that even important?

  • When Jesus was asked for His perspective on the topic, it wasn’t just out of curiosity. He was being tested by rival groups in His day (not unlike our own volatile political climate!). In particular, He called out their hypocrisy and how they twisted God’s Word to suit their own purposes. How do you see that same spirit play out in our conversations today? What can you learn from Jesus about how you should respond?

  • The main point Jesus wanted to make was that God is far more concerned about what comes out of us (all the sinful thoughts, words, and actions that spring up out of a broken, sinful heart) than what we put into our bodies. How have you seen the Holy Spirit help you say “no” to sin and “yes” to God’s best for your life?

Pastor Micah Greiner

St. Peter
Arlington Heights, Illinois


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