Questions about Fasting

MATTHEW 9:14-17; MARK 2:18-22; LUKE 5:33-39
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  • Do you ever find it difficult to simply have joy in Jesus? What tends to get in the way of you enjoying the “wedding party” and the joy of a life spent with Jesus?

  • Why do you think it’s difficult for some people to let go of their “old garments” and “old wineskins”? Do you struggle with letting go of those old traditions and ways of life?

  • Jesus came to establish a new way of faith, hope, and grace. What does it mean for you to hear that eternal life comes from a relationship with Jesus and not religion? Can you think of anyone in your life who would benefit from that Gospel news?

Harry Grimes

Director of Youth and Family Discipleship,
Immanuel Downers Grove, IL


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